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Joint Action To Combat Rationing
S UPPLEMENTARY fuel allowances issued to Wycombe furniture manufacturers and hauliers for furniture transport, approximate, together with their basic allowance, to 50-60 per......
Road Transport Nearly £200 Less Quitable Comment On The...
ourable response to the efforts of British Railways to attract business during the present oil shortage was contained in a London businessman's letter to The Times last week.......
New Economy Unit For Petrol Engines
A NEW economy device for petrol eggines is being distributed by Fuel Conservation, Ltd., 132-4 Fleet Street. London, E.C.4. It consists of a grooved ring which is introduced......
R.h.a. Inquiry Into Fuel Difficulties
A N inquiry is being made into the use of vehicles by the 17,000 members of the Road Haulage Association. Last week they were sent questionnaire forms asking for details of......
Tory Attacks Fuel Policy
TH E Government's fuel policy was criticized by Mr. Geoffrey Hirst, Conservative M.P. for Shipley, Yorks, at a meeting in his constituency last week. Mr. Hirst said: "I accept......
Extra Ration For Homecounties
A FTER the company's chiefs had been granted a personal interview with Brig. R. J. 0. Dowse, Metropolitan Licensing Authority, last week, Home Counties Plant Hire, Ltd., Ilford,......
Bakers Get Promise On Fuel
A PROMISE that he would look into the question of fuel supplies for bakers was made last week by Mr. G. R. H. Nugent, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture.......
First 30-ft. Titan Delivered
THE first of 16 of the new Titan 30-ft.-long double-deckers ordered by the Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., has been delivered by Leyland Motors. Ltd. It is a prototype, with......