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Bids For Transporters, Tankers, Tippers And Furniture Vans
T HIS week there are substantial appIications concerning car transporters, tankers and vehicles for furniture haulage. In the East Midlands, Progressive Deliveries Ltd., of......
APPLICATIONS (January 9, 19631 P. G. Walton Lid., Gateshead. new B lie., 2 veh. 0510, 3 art. i221 17c). Goods for Consett Iron Co. as required and return loads. (If granted......
North Western
APPLICATIONS (January 11, 1963) Brewer and Turnbull (Grecnup) Ltd., Hazel Grove, new A tic., 10 veh. (270. G.g., mainly furniture and effects of all classes and descriptions......
East Midland
APPLICATIONS (January 9, 1963) A. and W. Alitione Ltd.. Moulton (Northants). A var„ add 2 veh. (6t 14c). Building mats., farm Produce. steel, machinery, salvage, timber.......
West Midland
APPLICATIONS (January 10, 1963) Sergeant's Transport. Stourport-on-Severn, new A lie., S vest. (1St). Mainly goods for Joseph Corbett and Son (Timber) Ltd., 'and Codsall Supply......
South Wales
APPLICATIONS (January 9, 1963) Prices Transport (Dines Fowls) Ltd., Dinas Powis (Glam.), new A lie., I veh. (41). and 1 trl. Steel and timber. South Wales, London and Midlands.......
APPLICATIONS (January 3, 19631 G. E. Wheeler, Catcou (Som.), new A lie., I veh. (510. Mainly stone and concrete products normally within 250 miles. Wincombe Transport Ltd.,......
APPLICATIONS (January 10, 1963) T. Griffiths Ltd., E.2, new A tic., 2 veh. (4t). G.g. mainly wallpapers, plastics (raw mats, and scrap), electrical insulating mats., tin foil......