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Versatile Swedish Gear Pump
!MOW available in the U.K. is a rotary 't gear positive-displacement pump made by the Albin Motor Co. of Kristinehamn, Sweden. Capacities range from 0.3 to 5 g.p.m. at normal......
Keeping Out Noise
nURING the past year, The Exhaust Ejector Co. Ltd., 11 Wade House Road, Shelf, Nr. Halifax, has been producing kits of sound-insulating material for motorcars; the product being......
Stationary Compressor
A NEW twin-cylinder stationary air compressor, the VR65, has been introduced by B.E.N. Patents Ltd. (Division of Broom and Wade Ltd.), High Wycombe, Bucks. It is water cooled......
Aft-line Fittings
A RANGE of plastics fittings designed I - I-for use with semi-rigid piping, and the addition of double male adapters to its standard fittings range, is announced by Martonair......
History And Products
L'OUR new publications have been issued by Turner Brothers Asbestos Co. Ltd., Rochdale. One gives details of the company's activities, two booklets deal with Poly-V belt drives......
Modern Mirrors
A RANGE of modern-design commercial vehicle exterior mirrors is now being produced by Burrafirrn Ltd., Vincent Works, Croxstall Road, . Bloxwich, Staffs, Mirrors with head sizes......
Joining Aluminium Parts
IN addition to its aluminium solder, Soldalum 121 Industrial (Metallur g ical) Services, 138 Hi g h Street, Waltham Cross, Herts, has developed Brazalum 365 and Weldalum 601 for......