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Progress Report On . Bulk Milk
R EFRIGERATED tanks for bulk collection of milk are now being installed on farms at the rate of about 50 a month. This was said in London " on Tuesday by Mr. J. Hutchinson, head......
Common Market Key To Channel Link
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE long-awaited results of the joint I expert study of the chances of a new Channel link are likely to be in the hands of the Government in the......
Pakistan Pia.n Abandoned 1/tr. Harold Cook, The Bradford...
agent, has abandoned his plan to run a bus service to Pakistan. He was granted a road service licence to run the proposed service last April, but the service was never started,......
Tilling Companies In P.t.a.
A S foreshadowed in The Commercial Motor last week, the Tilling Group passenger undertakings have been admitted to membership of the Public Transport Association after a break......
The Beginnin Gs Of The Bus
A N YONE interested in the early 1-1 6history of the bus can obtain remarkable value for money in the form of two outwardly modest booklets published by the British Transport......
New Depot For Fife F Ife's New £55,000 Central Transport...
at Mitigate, Cupar, has been officially opened by Mr. George Sharp, Thornton, county vice-convener. in 1948, he said, it was recognized that the transport premises at Lebanon......