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Bid For London Transport By Glc?
TALKS to consider a possible takeover of London Transport by the Greater London 1 Council may be started soon, announced Sir William Fiske, leader of the council, on Tuesday.......
Municipal Busmen To Get Rise
T HE municipal busmen's pay rise of 9s. 3d. a week agreed only two hours before the Prime Minister's six-month freeze announcement on July 20 will be paid from January 14, 1967.......
Integration Plan For South Wales Services
C 0-OPERATION between a Tilling group company and a BET company is likely to lead to complete integration of overlapping bus services in an area of South Wales. The companies......
Manchester 33-footers Highlight
problem of I allsorts I F facing makers A MONG those responding to Manchester's request for tenders for 94 double-deckers built to an overall length of 33 ft., will, I......