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N Have An Application Pending For A B Licence. I
am a newcomer to the industy and find the procedure confusing. In 'articular I cannot place the function of Pie Road/Rail Negotiating Committee. las it any statutory power? p i......
N Read That "the Planners" Are At It Again In
suggesting still more taxing ;f road transport through some form of vac/ pricing. For the record could you tell ne how much is currently being paid alwady by road transport in......
A When The Selective Employment Tax
was introduced it was stated in many planers that this would help the mechani;al handling industry. Is it your imprestion that this has proved to be the case? It is difficult to......
A Are There Any Licence Applications Which Need Not Be Heard
at a public tnquiry and which must be granted by the .icensing Authority? k A Licensing Authority is bound to grant licence variations, for instance such as he removal of a......
I Am Operating One Vehicle On An A Licence With
normal user: machinery, machine tools, scrap metal and engineer's accessories within 150 miles of base. But as I also process scrap metal and sell it, can I use my A licence......
R I What Is The Difference Between Octane Numbers And...
A The textbook answer is that an octane number is applicable to a fuel used in a spark-ignition engine and is a measure of its anti-knock property. To facilitate comparison the......
Could You Please Supply The Name And Address Of A...
A We are not aware of any firms manu facturing transfers of sign writing to suit particular requirements, but Instant Plastic Signwriting Ltd., 101 Bramley Road, London W10, can......
Q I Am A Commercial Vehicles Sales
manager and am finding it more and more difficult to obtain profitable business because of the increasing discounts one is being compelled to give in very many cases if orders......