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Benefits For Electrics With New Booster Units
A REPORT has just been issued by G. and M. Power Plant Co. Ltd., of Ipswich, which illustrates the advantages of the booster unit for electric vehicles which the company has......
Five-section Plastics Van Body
S HOWN by Wincanton Transport and En g in eerin g Co. Ltd., 26 Courtney Road, Woking, Surrey, a light van built of five major colourimpregnated glass-fibre sections is the......
Alan Havard Interviews Sir Donald Stokes
V EHICLE availability, the spares situation, future trends in the industry, export market influences on home sales—these and other topics were examined in depth when CM's editor......
Plea For Proving Container Trailers
MANUFACTURERS should make more pieproduction vehicles available to the larger user so that provin g trials could be completed before mass production started. This su gg estion......
Kiwi Consignment
NEW ZEALAND will be the next overseas country to receive AEC's tilt-cab export commercial vehicles—an order worth almost Elm. has been placed for 80 heavy-duty truck chassis......