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"p.t.• Removal Is Desirable."
'THE removal of purchase tax from vehicles was highly desirable, but the country's basic concern was stability in costs. This was stated by Sir David Eccles, President of the......
Pay Claim Fails
CIN Tuesday the employers rejected a claim for overtime pay for 200,000 clerks in the engineering industry made by the Clerical and Administrative Workers' Union. The Union......
More Tippers Needed, Authority Agrees
THE shortage of tippers in the Bridgwater area was referred to last week by the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson, when he granted a B licence to Roads Construction,......
Road Plans Will Escape Money Cuts—minister
A N assurance that. the roads programme will escape heavy cuts caused by the tightening of . expenditure on "capital investment was given by Mr. H. Watkinson, Minister of......
750 " Mercs" For Teheran
T ET-IF RAN has ordered 750 MercedesBenz 31-seat buses valued at £4m. Deliveries are to be completed within 18 months, The vehicles are to have special......
East Kent Fares To Be Increased
A N application by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., for fare increases designed to help meet additional yearly expenditure of £80,000 was granted by the South Eastern Traffic......
Australian Progress
T HE new B.M.C. factory in Australia is now making engines, gearboxes and axles, and will shortly start making pressings. This was stated on Tuesday by Mr. G. W. Harriman,......