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Road Faster Than Rail, Court Told
D OAD haulage had definite advan tages over rail in the Blaenau Ffestiniog area because double handling was avoided, and thus deliveries were speeded. This was stressed by......
16.2°/ 0 Of Vehi
cies are Oilers A T the end of 1956 there were 206,811 oil-engined commercial vehicles in use in this country---16.2 per cent, of the total. In that year. 38,984 oilers, or 25.4......
Eight Appeal Against A-licence Grant
S IX A-licence vehicles granted ro C. W. Thorp, Fordwick, Canterbury, would have nothing to do for six months of the year, Mr. J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon told the Transport Tribunal......
Mersey Tunnel' Tolls May. _. . Re Doubled
T HE decision of the Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee to increase tolls . for commercial vehicles is expected to bring renewed pressure for the introduction of contracts,......
Routemaster Coach On Trial
L AST week the Leyland Routemaster double-deck coach was placed in service on an experimental basis by the • L.T.E. It is operating on the Green Line route 721 between Aldgate......
New Axle For Brayloaders
A N extra-heavy-duty powered steering axle, incorporating epicyclic hub' reduction units, has been introduced on the four-wheel-drive Brayloader model 430 by W. E. Bray and Co.,......