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Allegation Of Uneconomic Rates: Figures To Be Quoted
A LLEGATIONS that Ulster ferry Transport, Ltd., Belfast, might have quoted uneconomic rates to. obtain additional work as evidence of need for more transport capacity between......
Mobile Shops A Help In Rural Areas
QOME mobile shops provide a real service to rural districts in Northern Ireland by saving housewives the time and trouble of going to the nearest big town. This was pointed out......
No £10 Rail Trips To Torquay
THERE was no British Railways scheme whereby passengers could travel to Torquay from Yorkshire early or late in the season for as little as £10, the Yorkshire Traffic......
European Road Standards
N EW standards to which international roads forming part of the European system, as defined in 1950 by the Economic Commission for Europe, should comply, have been approved by......
New By-pass Started
AST week, Mr. Harold Watkinson. Minister of Transport, cut the first turf to allow work to begin on the new £500.000 Wetherby by-pass on the Great North Road. The project, which......
Flight Simulator By Road-sea
A N unusual and valuable load—a £70.000 Viscount 803 flight simulator—has been taken to Schiphol Airport, Holland, for the K.L.M. company via the Tilbury Antwerp facility of the......