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1 - 1. A SYMPOSIUM on automatic transmissions is bein g held by the Advanced School of Automobile En g ineering at Cranfield, Bucks, on July 9 and 10. Nine papers are bein g......
Power Units
T HE April issue of Oil Engine and Gas Turbine contains a new and complete catalo g ue of all British-made oil (diesel) en g ines, dual-fuel en g ines and pistontype g as en g......
Orders And Deliveries Potteries Fleet To Grow: The...
Traction Co. Ltd., of Stokeon-Trent, is to increase its fleet of A.E.C. Reliance single-deckers to nearly 150 as a result of on order for 16 chassis for 36-f I.long bodie by......
Engine-transmission Unit
A CLUTCH, g earbox and final drive rtunit is disclosed in patent No. 912,675. This is apparently a development of a g eneral scheme shown in an earlier patent numbered 911,259.......