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Road-rail Co-operation Agreed
BY H. BRIAN COTTEE R OAD hauliers and theā¢ railways are I Ns 'going to work together as a matter of policy. This was made clear by a joint statement issued on Wednesday after a......
Advice On Tu Rn-round Aids
T HE second in the series of efficiency pamphlets designed to encourage quicker vehicle turn-round was published yesterday by British Road Services and the Road Haulage......
Socialists Press For Inspectors Power To Stop
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE Labour Party has not given up the fight to allow weights and measures inspectors to retain the power to stop coal lorries, which is......
New Semi-trailer Limit?
From a Special Correspondent T HE overall length of 42 ft. for articulated vehicles, proposed by the Ministry of Transport to replace the existing 35 ft. limit, may, I......
Haulage Workers' New Claim
T HE Transport and General Workers' Union has lodged a new three-part claim with the Road Haulage Ways Council. It asks for the time-and-aquarter minimum overtime rate to be......
Pressure On Rates
I N his annual report, Mr. W. Lionel Fraser, chairman of Thomas Tilling Ltd., noted that the pressure on short haulage rates in the North of England had continued, but the......
, R.h.a. Subs Up?
T HE National Council of the Road Haulage Association is almost certain to confirm an increase in membership subscription rates, which the executive committee has decided to......