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Unit Removal Jacks
TACKS designed for the removal of units J from vehicle chassis have been introduced into this country from America by Applied Power Industries Inc. (U.K.) Ltd., 717 Tudor......
About 1965 Exhibition
D ETAILED information on the International Transport Exhibition, to be held in Munich, West Germany, in 1965, is contained in a booklet available from the organizers. Free......
• For Better Washing
A NEW type of washing-down gun has been added to the range of compressed-air equipment made by B.E.N. Patents Ltd., High Wycombe, Bucks. It is known as the Aerojet and water fed......
Vehicle Reference Book
MEARLy 400 of the 1,000 pages in 1 I Motor Specifications and Prices, 1963, are devoted to goods and passenger vehicles built between 1951 and the present time. A comprehensive......
Better Oils
CHANGES have been made to CaStrolite and Castrol XL engine oils. Additional additives have been incorporated in Castrolite (SAE 20W/20/ 30) to improve, its low temperature......
Upholstery Cleaner A New Upholstery Cleaner—instant...
Industries Ltd„ Davis Road, Chessington, Surrey. It is sold in a 10 oz. " squeeze" container and costs 5s. 6d. retail. Leather; leather cloth, P.V.C., plastics materials and......