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Alan Low At Centre Of Union Storm
by John Darker MR Philip Morris, secretary of the Transport and General workers' Union's 5/528 car transporter section, said last week that he intends to make an official......
Haulage Business, Which In General Coped Well During The...
day week, seems to have tailed-off since that period according to the latest Road Rates report compiled and published by Freight Information Services. The report, which covers......
The £50,000 Compensation Claim Of Craddock Brothers...
The claim was due to be ruled on by the National Industrial Relations Court later this month. In June the Union was granted a four week adjournment of the hearing when it......
Vat Yield On Fuel
HM Customs and Excise have decided that where VAT-registered firms pay mileage allowances to employees using company vehicles, the "VAT fraction" -one-eleventh of the allowance......