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Continental Style Coach Seats For Uk
A BRAND new design of coach seat announced today is the first product of a UK company specifically et up for the purpose of marketing psv seating. The company is Diplomat......
Bus Location System For Dublin
A CONTRACT to develop an automatic vehicle monitoring system for the Dublin City Bus Services has been awarded to Storno Ltd. The system will monitor and display bus position,......
Increase Fight
THREE District Councils, those of Cumbria, Eden and Allerd ale, have joined forces to resist an application by Ribble Motor Services to increase fares. At a meeting of......
Aberdeen Fares Up
FARES for all but short journeys on Aberdeen Corporation buses are to rise by one penny from July 21. The increase, approved on July 9 by the Scottish Traffic Commissioners,......
Speedier Entries
UPTO 30 passengers per minute can pass through a new electronic ticket barrier developed by Automatic Revenue Controls Ltd. The gate accepts a magnetically encoded ticket from......