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Is The Withdrawal Of A Driving Licence Inevitablefor An...
against the drinking and driving laws and if so what is the maximum period of disqualification which can be imposed? Endorsement of the driving licence is obligatory in all......
Q 1 Have Always Understood That When Using Towing...
the way to the scene of removal, the ambulance could not be towed empty and had to he loaded onto the recovery vehicle. However, provided it is daylight and not driven over 20......
Q My Vehicles Are Equipped With Red Warning Triangles...
use on the Continent where they must be used in some countries to denote a breakdown or other mishap. I do not think that they are a legal requirement in the United Kingdom, but......
Q I Have Been Asked To Carry
an indivisible load which will measure about 151: wide. 1 assume that 1 will have to move this under the Special Types General Order, but do 1 have to have a specially......
Q We Possess A Four-wheeled, 45-ton Scammell (unladen...
16 cwt) towing unit together with a drawbar low-loading trailer which we wish to use unladen for exhibition purposes. What is the position regarding excise licence and Ministry......