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Drummond Bros., Ltd.
StandNo. 168. Drummond Bros., Ltd. Guildford, who specialize in. lathes and tools for motor repair work, have an interesting display which includes a laths designed so as to be......
Miller And Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 119. H. Miller and Co., Ltd., Birmingham, exhibit an electric lamp set with a specially robust tape of dynamo. The lamps are steel, and fittings are designed to......
Sterling Metals, Ltd.
Stand No. 121. The specialities of Sterling Metals; Ltd., Coventry, comprise castings in aluminium ' iron, bronze, extruded metals of high tensile strength, bronze sections,......
Wakefield And Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 158. C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd, 30-32, Cheapeide, London, E.C., have a full range of oils and, greases for all types of commercial vehicles, effectively displayed.......
Wilcox And Co.,. Ltd.
Stand No.165. W. H. Wilcox and Co., Ltd., 32, Southwaek Stheet, S.E. 1, have a complete exhibit of high grade motor oas, in five qualities, to suit all types, viz., light,......
Challenge Oil Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 194. The Challenge Oil Co., Ltd., Stoke Newingbon, N. 16, exhibit a complete range of lubricants, etc., comprising motor and tractor oils, motor greases, petroleum......
Allen Liversidge, Ltd.
Stand No. 118. Allen Liversidge, Ltd., 106, Victoria Street, London, S. W., show their wellknown system of lighting by means of the A-L acetylene generator and A-L cast......
British Timken, Ltd.
Stand No. 196. British Timken, Ltd., Ward End, Birmingham, exhibit a comprehensive range of Timken taper roller bearings, suitable for. all classes of applications from Ford......
R. Stephens And Sons.
Stand No. 109. R. Stephens and Sons, 63, Church Read, Upper Norwood, London, S.E., exhibit a number of specialities, notable amongst which are adjustable brake shoe - .5 for......
Lucas, Ltd.
Stand No. 133. Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Birmingham. have a very interesting and comprehensive exhibit of dynamo lighting seta, complete Magdyno lighting and ignition sets, new......
Vandervell And Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 130. The C.A.V. electrical equipment shown by the very old-established house of C. A. Vandervell and Co. Acton Vale, London, W., is represen tative of the latest and......
Marks Steering Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 156. The Marles Steering Co., Ltd., 64, Mortimer Street, London, W. 1, exhibit the Merles patent cam and rocker steering gears. These include a complete standard 15-20......
Bramco., Ltd.
Stand No. 201. The display here is of a very varied description, ranging from engines .to small tools.. The following call for mention: the Wisconsin engine in four and......
Simms Motor Units, Ltd.
Stand No. 197. This well-known magneto concern show all models suitable' for engines up to 60 hp. of four and six cylinder types. These embody the latest and most efficient......
Coventry Radiator Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 188. Coventry Radiator Co., Raglan Works, Coventry. A range of radiators in different types is shown here, comprising those fitted on the following......