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Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 186. The famous tyre concern of Dunlop show cord casing in large sizes. These tyres are moulded on flatebese rims and are easily detachable. Twin pneumatics of the......
Henley's Tyre Co.
Stand No. 174. Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 20, Christopher Street, Finsbury Square, London, E.C. 2, exhibit their well-known rubber band tyres for all patterns of......
Avon India Rubber Co.
Stand No, 128. There is on view on the stand of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., 19, Newman. Street, London W. 1, a comprehensive exhibit of solid band tyr es f or all types of......
Macintosh And Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 129. On the stand of Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd., 120, Wilton Road, London, S.W., attention may he called to the exhilsit of steam tractor tyres made in sizes up to......
North British Rubber Co.
Stand No. 169. The. Clincher solid tyros in great variety made by the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., Edinburgh, are to be seen here, also tyres for fire-engines, traction......
Goodyear Tyre Co.
Stand No. 172. The chief specialities of the Goodyear Tyro and Rubber Co., Ltd., 162, Shaftes. bury Avenue London, W. ' consist of giant pneumatic tyres, the type to the......
HarborĀ° Rubber Co.
Stand No. 176. This company, with head offices at Market liarbore, are showing solid tyres for commercial vehicles of all descriptions, ranging from the lightest type of......
Connolly, Ltd.
Stand No. 184. Band tyres and wood wheels comprise the chief features of this company's exhibit, the former are for use on steam, petrol, and electric vehicles, whilst the......
Spencer Moulton And Co.
Stand No. 183. George Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd., 42-46, Wigmore Street, London, W., have representative display of unmounted solid tyres, tyres. on wheels, giant pneumatics......
W. And A. Bates, Ltd.
Stand No. 180. There are to be seen,, on the stand of W. and A. Bates, Ltd., Leicester, the highest-quality rubber band tyres for petrol lorries, steam wagons, and electric......
United States Rubber Co.
Stand No. 185. This well-known American concern exhibit Nobby giant card pneumatics; of which type the company claim to beithe originators. These tyres have been used with great......
Midland Rubber Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 173. The Midland Rubber Co., Ltd., of Birmingham, have a typical selection of their well-known tyres, the range of sections being from 75 inne to 180 mm. Band tyres of......
Pirelli, Ltd.
Stand No. 181. Pirelli, Ltd., 144, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.G., show their wellknown solid tyre made on the laminated principle. There is also a heavy solid tyre, 325......
British Petroleum Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 150. This company exhibit oases and tins for Nos. 1 and 3 spirit, and the methods of storing and transporting these grades are shown.......
Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 171. The Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., Fulham Road, Landon, S.W., exhibit pneumatic tyres for heavy vehicles. The chief point is that tho wheel-is designed for the tyre and......
Goodrich Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 179. B. F. Goodrich Co. ' Ltd., 117, Golden Lane. London, E.C. All varieties of the -well-known Goodrich tyres are to be keen here noteworthy being the 1 1 .B: type,......
De Nevers Tyre Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 170. The display of tyres Shown by the Be NeYers Tyre Co., Ltd., Eirlsfleld, London, S.W., comprise several types of band tyres for commercial vehicles. Another......
Shrewsbury And Challiner.
Stand No. 178. The Shrewsburyand Challiner Tyro Go-a, Ardwick, llfanchester, eithibit comprises an interesting display of various sizes and sections of solid tyres for every......
Bergougnan Tyre Co.
Stand No. 177. The tyres shown by the Bergougnan Tyre Co., 14, Warwick Street, London, Vs., are all types which earned a high reputation' during the war. The exhibit consists of......
British Transmission Co.
Stand No. 200. Three examples of B.T.C. gearboxes. made under Dux patents, suitable for heavy vehicles, vans up to 2 ton capacity, and light delivery vans, are on. View, as well......