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Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 147. The Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Caxton "louse, Westminster, has an interesting display of the well-known and much appreciated Gargoyle mobiloils and grasses, - which......
Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 190. This company exhibit a complete range of file well-known carburetter, parts and fittings. There are also sections of carburetters which enable the action of 'them......
' H. M. Hobson, Ltd.
, Stand No. 131. II. M. Hobson Ltd., 27, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W., exhibit types of the well-known Claudel-Hobson carburetter largely used in the cornmercial vehicle......
• Price's, Co., Ltd., ,
. Stand No. 154: Co.,td., Belmont Works, Battersea, '*1I, exhibit lubricants forain types of engines and lubricants fek esearboXes, back aides (wormr and bevel AriVen);......
Brown Bros., Ltd.
Stand No. 162. • Brown Bros., Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.O. This ciernpanY have, as usual, a very ,extensive display of accessories, including practically everything......
Hoyt Metal Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 153. The Hoyt, Metal Co., of Great Britain, Ltd. Deodar Road, Putney, London, S.W. 15, display standard brands of babbitt (or anti-friction metal), also a selection of......
Ripaults, Ltd.
Stand No. 209. Ripaulte, Ltd., St. Pancras, London, N.W. 1, have an interesting exhibit mainly of sparking plugs and accessories. These include representative models with......
Phosphor Bronze 'co., Ltd.
Stand No. 191. This company have a unique collection of engine, parts on view. There are also finished bushes, bearings, pump parts and magneto parts, and castings of every i......
Apollo Plug Manufacturing Co.
Stand No. 137. The display of sparking plugs shown by the Apollo Plug Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Moseley Street, Birmingham, in eludes the No. 1 super-mica plug, the L.C4 in plug......
Ang16-american Oil Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 138. The Anglo - American Oil Co. a Ltd., 36, Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W., exhibit equipment for bulk storage and supply of petrol and lubricating oils, which......
Vickers, Ltd.
Stand No. 135. Vickers, Ltd., Vickers House, Broadway, London_ S.W. 1, exhibita large selection of fitgings, stampings, chassis frame pressings, and springs fox heavy motor......
Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 139. The Coventry Chain Co., Coventry, display auxiliary drives by noiseless inverted tooth chains including chain transmission for camshafts, pumps, magnetos, dynamo......
North And Sons, Ltd.
Stand No. 164. Nortlgand Sons, Ltd., Watford, show standard models of Watford magnates, and also a new model magneto, in which movable extensions to the pole shoes are connected......
Brolt, Ltd.
Stand No. 125. In starting and lighting equipment the products of Brolt, Ltd., of Oldbury, are well known and extensively Used. The starter einbodiessseveral patented features......
Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd.
. Stand No. 160. This company dhow the well-known bearings of this make, comprising self. aligning single-row annular and single and double thrust hearings, and a new roller......