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Ec Fuel Tax Proposals Won't Help, Says Fta
by Chris Tindall armonising diesel duties ill not cost the governierrt billions in lost revnue, but it is set to oppose s introduction regardless, urns the Freight Transort......
Tcs Bought Out
• Tyre Collection Services, part of the Brandrick Truck Group that went into administration in July, has been sold to its senior staff in a management buyout. The business,......
Iovernment Defends Plan
I The government has hit back : severe criticism meted out by e Transport Select ommittee in May over its 10tar transport plan (CM 30 ay-5 June). The government's official......
Roadmap Of Danger
• The AA has produced a new type of road atlas—one that identifies the country's most dangerous roads. The map shows that the riskiest routes—classified according to the number......