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Pouce Reform Be Controversial Police Leform Bill Received...
last week. It contains in amendment which could ihow heavy hauliers to provide hair own escort on motorrays and dual carriageways, CM25-31July). Industry has oiced concern over......
No Connection
;Guth Wales-based Express 'alletised Storage, trading as .PS Storage and Distribution, as no connection with Express 'allet Systems (EPS) featured n CM 25-31 duly.......
Exbaent Profits :xel Has Reported Strong Profit ;rowth...
narkets in the first six months if 2002. Turnover was up 2.7% o 12,235m with profit before ax up 13.2% to 1100.3m.......
Suspension Call He Fta Is Calling For A Suspen:ion Of
toll collecting at the lartford crossing to help ease raffic congestion on the M25.......
Eye Tests Landom Spot Checks To Test Notorists' Eyesight Are
being :onsidered by the police to help ake people with poor vision off he roads. Research shows up o 3.5m people could be driving vith eyesight standards below he legal minimum.......
Riel Lips Iustoms Have Raided Two Ilegal Fuel Laundering...
in .eeds and London and seized housands of litres of red liesel and gas oil. Five men vere arrested.......
Bridge Crash N Yet Another Railway Bridge Ncident, Two...
crashed in a bridge above the Leeds to lull railway line. Caville railway iridge on the ABU near lowden was seriously damged and will be closed for :everal days.......
Bvrla Tackles Tcs About
0-licence checking plans by Sally Nash Traffic Commissioners are not doing enough in the battle against cowboy operators if they continue to insist that rental and leasing......
• The Bvrla, While Agreeing That Members Will Write To
customers to check 0-licence arrangements, says hire companies cannot force them to reply. The main problem, it argues, is that its members do not have the "tools" to do the job......
Strike Action Vote 'next Step'
• Dairy Crest staff—including transport workers—could be voting for industrial action after they turned down a 2.5% pay offer. The Transport & General Workers Union says the......