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Charging Scheme Slammed
I by Chris Tindall lontroversial plans to begin charging ;ommercial vehicles in Edinburgh have leen slammed by trade organisations as lathing but a stealth tax. The proposed......
Bridge Warning
• The Metropolitan police hay' urged London drivers to be vigi lant after a spate of brick: being thrown from a bridge or the All at passing vehicles. The first Incident happen&......
Pauline Stopher
. Regular contributors and callers to Commercial Motor will be sad to learn of the death of CMs longserving Editor's Secretary Pauline Stopher, who died suddenly on 10 July......
Stolen Trailer Causes Fatal Accident
• A car driver in Wakefield was killed when a trailer on top of a stolen flatbed vehicle fell on his car, Leeds Crown Court has heard. The lorry, with the trailer on board, was......
Fancy Jioining Truck ' S Winning Team?
Truck tester/staff writer If you've always fancied travelling around Europe reviewing the latest trucks and vans, then have we got the job for you! Due to unforeseen......