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SHORT HAULS Larger not heavier IF LORRIES were allowed to carry larger weights, their maximum size would not necessarily increase, but there might be fewer of them on the road,......
Driver's Fit Caused High Street Death
AN EPILEPTIC lorry driver with no licence had his second accident in 16 months when his lorry mounted a pavement and struck a lamp-post which fell and killed a passer-by. At......
Tower Traffic
NEW TRAFFIC management schemes took effect last week in readiness for next year's Tower Bridge lorry ban in London. Main changes in the scheme involve reversing the one-way......
Hino Hits Setback
PLANS to assemble Japane! Hino lorries on Merseysid have hit a setback, bt Dublin-based J. Harr (Assemblers) has not given u its plans to sell the lorries i Britain. Informed......