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)utput Bumbles
OMMERCIAL vehicle proiction in Britain was 23 per !nt lower in October than for ctober 1977, according to gures published by the Deartment of Industry this eek. Production for......
More Regs From Eec
3RITAIN is to adopt European ules on the Competence of orry drivers and some bus irivers. Transport Secretary William Rodgers told MPs that te proposes to lay before Pariament......
Deaths At Work Up
THE NUMBER of fatal industr ial accidents notified to the Health and Safety executive in he second quarter of this year has risen over those for the f irst quarter. In the first......
Two-foot Pedal Unfair To Driver
AN ASHBURTON haulage company's bid to overturn a E1,320 unfair dismissal award to a driver who refused to take out a lorry was rejected by a London appeal tribunal. The award......
Cost Of Low Lead
IT COULD cost the balance of payments about £200m a year to reduce the amount of lead in petrol to the same level as that in Germany. This estimate was given in the Commons by......