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.t Plunges In With
lew decker orders 3NDON Transport is about to buy over 900 new generation )uble-deckers with next to no experience of the vehicles in ‘rvice. It wants Greater London ouncil to......
Daimler Rebuild
OUR of Tayside's troubled Daimler Fleetline single-deckers are eing rebodied at a cost of some £60,000. The eight-year old vehicles, which have been beset with tructural......
Leylands Go North
CENTRAL SMT and Greater Glasgow PTE have ordered a further 30 Leyland Nationals. Central is getting 20 11.3m models instead of automatic Leyland Leopards, whereas Greater......
Delivery Problems
DELIVERY delays have hit Plymouth City Transport and have forced it to hire seven double-deckers from Thamesdown District Council. Fifteen Park Royal-bodied Leyland Atlanteans,......
Belgium, Ulster To Get B21
LEYLAND Vehicles has so far sold over 20 B21 singledeckers — the separate underframe version of the Leyland National for specialist customers — most of them in Belgium. Belgian......