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Diversification Is Key In Retail Sector
THE RETAIL MARKET shows a mixed picture, suggesting that transport operators in this sector should diversify where they can and not stay within product lines that might be......
Uk's Trade Deficit Decreases By E600m As Non-eu Exports Rise
ACCORDING TO THE Office of National Statistics, the UK's trade deficit on goods and services was £4.4bn in February. compared with £5bn in January. Goods gave a deficit of......
Cbi Revises Forecast
THE CHANCELLOR MAY be predicting between 2.25 and 2.75% economic growth hut the Confederation of British Industry has other ideas. Its latest quarterly report points to weak......
High Profit Margins Outside Transport
IT MAY INTEREST transport firms struggling on sub-3% profit margins that other sectors do not feel their pain. According to government figures, the overall profitability of UK......