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Lt Cuts Give Surprise Surplus
BUSINESS on London Transpo expected by fares reductions in this year is expected to become A report to the Greater London Council transport committee last week said that 50,000......
Eec Wants More Checks
THE TOPICAL question of safety r of long-distance coaches has been of the European Parliament by two egulations governing the drivers raised at the September session British......
Passenger New
Rural busing seminars RURAL public transpori Britain and Europe will go ur the spotlight on November when the Polytechnic of Cen London resumes its series of nual seminars.......
False-cheque Man Guilty
AN ASSISTANT accountant s defrauded Eastern Scottist more than £2,000 in se months has been ordered tc 240 hours of community war In addition, William Wil (32), of Penicuik, was......
Public Transport Boosts
LAST WEDNESDAY was a big day for both . public transport and the pensioners. It was the International Transport Workers Federation's Urban Transport Day, when trades unions were......