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Unken 'children' Ade To Squirm
INKING while driving is larded by Gary Lumpkin, a trict judge in Oklahoma, USA, childish behaviour requiring oropriate correction. Writing gn the Road, a Greater inchester......
Larnings Must Be Uick And Lucid
ITHIN 20 seconds of an .:ident occurring on a 60-mile 'etch of Dutch motorway, mputers switch on warning jns. In Britain, says the RAC, a delay can be anything up to If an hour.......
Treachery At County Hall
HEARD the latest one about the Wood Report? This one is true. The copies circulated in July were prized rarities. They were proof copies produced on word processors and were not......
The Wrong Disguise To Don
PUT ON a false beard and no one will spot you. The Freight Transport Association's traffic officer, Don McIntyre, hoping to avoid notice, probably thought it would work if he......
A Shift Of Power To Robots At Renault
ROBOTS at the Renault factory at Douai work on two eight-hour shifts, with three shifts in the press shops. This human arrangement has, I understand, been reached under an......
The Answer To A Ditertiary Prayer
OH! HAPPY DAY, di-tertiary butyl peroxide may now be carried by road in tankers or tank containers. But the Health and Safety Executive still stands between you and......