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Ipec Men Start Up
SEVERAL OVERNIGHT delivery services will start life at the Distribution Services Show at Wembley next week, ensuring more intense competition between express delivery companies,......
Ferry Moves
SCOTTISH rural operators' campaign to be represented on West Coast shipping services advisory committees are at last having some effect. The Western Isles South cornmittee,......
Devon Gets New By-pass
AN OKEHAMPTON by-pass has been given the go-ahead and will be under construction by 1985, while a by-pass in the Leeds area is being considered by West Yorkshire County Council.......
Severn Leap
AN INCREASE of 150 per cent Severn Bridge tolls for comm cial vehicles proposed by 1 Department of Transport I come under intense critici from the two major trade as ciations.......
Bds Contracl
BREWERY DISTRIBUTION cc pany Bar Delivery Servir (BDS), owned jointly Southern British Road Servi and Whitbread London, completed the second stage its development program with......