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Transport Development Buys Mccallum T He, Transport...
bought the Scottish haulage business of Peter McCallum and Sons Ltd. and its associated company Powers Transport Ltd. The two companies, which operate a fleet of about 60......
7 Per Cent Prefer Road Ndlistry And Commerce...
road transport, and due reliability, speed and convenience ore highly than sheer cost saving: these +e among the conclusions to be drawn 'om an independent transport survey......
`show The Efficiency Of Road Transport'
R OAD transport vehicles were. being IX made the scapegoat in discussions on congestion problems when, in fact, lorries were not the cause of congestion. To plead that the......
News In Brief Be Prepared, Says T.r.t.a.: Immediate...
the first sign of snow is among points suggested to the Ministry of Transport by the Traders Road Transport Association for successfully coping with wintry conditions on the......