20th December 1963, Page 39
20th December 1963
Page 39

Page 39, 20th December 1963
News In Brief
purling Net Profit Steady: In the year ended 4ay 31 last, profit of the Spurling Group Spurling Motor Bodies Ltd. and subsidiaies) before taxation was £109,795, compared vith......
Road And Workshop Y A
Lndyman A Time-saver for the Breakdown Kit tOADSIDE BREAKDOWNS of cornaercial vehicles, althou g h reducin g in lumber, and the subse q uent delay, are till a matter of concern......
Three Guineas For Yorkshire Reader
THIS week's prize of three guineas goes I to Mr. P. Firth of Castlefield, Yorks. It is for the removal of Bedford front hub inner bearin g s when they are really fast on the......