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Nvestern L.a. Publishes Contract Applications
— and raises some technical points A S mentioned in last week's issue, a recent edition of the Western Area's "Applications and Decisions" contains, in Part 1, two applications......
Licensing Casebook
BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY my concern at hearing that the Association's decision to drop the Venables matter —having gone so far and spent so much in legal costs—was again against the......
Driving Licence Endorsements
— the R.H.A. just waits I NOTE in the R.H.A.'s monthly I journal " Roadway " that the South Derbyshire and Burton-on-Trent subarea meeting was "startled" to hear, during a......
Mr. 'hanlon Opens The Door A Little
'THE Northern Licensing Authority, I Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, relaxed his rule of insisting that vehicle registration numbers be specified in licences even though the vehicles are......