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News In Brief
Viking Express to King's Cross: Viking Motors (Burton) Ltd. has applied for a new express service between Burton-upon-Trent and London (King's Cross coach station). The service,......
Uggested By Mr. Dravers
been appointed, Mr. Dravers continued, and whilst, unfortunately, Mr. Fraser could not be present at the dinner, he would like to express to hint the good wishes of the industry......
Minister To Conciliate On Municipal Claim?
From Our Industrial Correspondent MPLOYERS and union leaders of 1 ---d 70,000 municipal busmen failed to make any progress when they met to discuss the men's three-point claim......
Greyhound Buys Dutch Company
THE Greyhound Corporation of Chicago, U.S.A. is taking control if the Dutch passenger transport concern Vavo. of Schoonhaven, which operates 77 buses. The name is to be changed......