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Tory Transport Men
T HE Shadow Transport Minister, Mr. Enoch Powell, has, as predicted, taken over the chairmanship of the Conservative back-bench transport committee. Stepping down to make way......
Concern By Tories Over Fuel Tax
C ONCERN about the effect of the extra fuel tax imposed by Mr. Callaghan was expressed by several Tories last week during the Commons discussion on the autumn Budget. Former......
Busmen's Opposition To Dipped Campaign O Pposition To...
dipped headlights campaign is growing among Midland Red bus drivers. Already a petition protesting against the use of dipped headlights in well lit streets has been signed by......
More Examiners, And Annual Tests And Plating To Be Speeded
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE Minister of Transport, Mr. T. Fraser, is to take up the campaign against unsafe commercial road vehicles where Mr. Marples left off. He has......
Opposition 'unhappy' With Concessions Bill
T HE first of the Labour Government's legislative measures, the Travel Concessions Bill, is now well on its way to the Statute Book. Last week it received an unopposed second......
Rural Bus Surv Eys To Continue Th E Minister Of Transport
is continuing the local inquiries into rural bus services which the Conservative Government started. "I hope they will give pointers to useful future courses of action ", he......