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The Short Act
T HE le g islation extending travel concessions seems destined to be known as the Short Act—not just because of its brevity, but also because this proposed chan g e in the law......
Noise Regulations Soon?
T HE Transport Minister said last week that he proposed to g ive effect to the recommendations of the Wilson Committee on checking excess vehicle noise by means of Re g......
No Change In Lorry Parking The Chan G E In The Top
at the Home Office has not, so far, led to any chan g e in the official attitude towards the week-end and overni g ht parkin g of lorries in London's residential streets. Last......
School Bus Survey? C Alls For A Reduction In The Three-mile
minimum for transportin g children to •school did not meet with a very enthusiastic Government response in the Commons last week. Mr. R. E. Prentice, Minister of State for......
Mr. R. H. Roberts, At Present Assistant Traffic Mana G Er Of
the East Kent Road Car Co. Ltd., has been appointed traffic mana g er of the Yorkshire Traction Co. Ltd. in succession to Mr. IL Coutts, who is to retire at the end of the year.......
WJE re g ret to record the deaths of Mr. VV H. Akroyd, Mr. Tom Gray and Mr. E. Lumb. • Mr. Akroyd, who wa s executive director of Oldham and Son Ltd., the Denton. Manchester,......