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Production Exceeds Pre-war Level -in July, 10,420...
in the United Kingdom, against a computed monthly average of 9,000 in 1938. Included in July's figure were 592 motorbuses and trolleybuses. Apart from Service vehicles, 3,271......
Minister On Street Lighting
A T the opening meeting of the Con ference of the Association of Public Lighting Engineers in London on September 10, Mr. A. flames, the Minister of Transport, referred to the......
Concessions In Tyre Distribution
T HE tyre distribution scheme of the Tyre Trade Joint Committee has been carefully reviewed by the Vehicles Committee of the National Road Transport Federation_ The scheme came......
Exports Increase By 35 Per Cent. In A Month
DRITA1N'S export trade in commeo cial vehicles continues to grow, and July's quota howed a 35 per cent. increase on that for June. In July, a total of 4,357 new commercial......
Tyres From Speke
T HE new Dunlop factory at Speke is now ready for production_ It is expected that there will be between 6,000 and 7,000 employees. Manufacturing operations start with fabric......