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Licensing Authority Tries To Dissuade Ex-servicemen
WHEN two brothers, both ex-ServiceVV men, were granted a B licence to carry building materials within a 15mile radius of Throckley, Mr. S. W. Nelson, the Northern Licensing......
Yorkshire Meetings Of The First Session Of The Newly Formed
North-eastern Centre of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers will begin with a meeting on October 8, at the Hotel Metropole, Leeds, at 7 p.m:, when short talks will be......
Ministry Of Labour Report On Labour Rates A N Interesting...
Rates of Wages and Hours of Labour at August 1, 1946" has been cornpiled by tbt: Ministry of Labour. It contains tables showing for various industries the time rates fixed by......
Employees Refuse To Work Special Overtime A Dispute...
of Huddersfield Corporation's bus drivers and conductors is being taken before the National Joint Industrial Council's Emergency Committee, which has been asked to investigate......
Pledge Of Thrift A Resolution Pledging Continued 1 — K...
the National Savings movement was passed at a recent meeting of the National Savings Advisory Committee of the Road Transport Industry. The committee is to take steps to......
In A Line Or Two Fifty Thousand Vehicles Have Been
produced by the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., since peace-time production was started on July 3, 1945. The Car e and Truck Collection Co., Bramley, Leeds, has resumed the collection......
Commission Urges Survey Of Ulster Roads A N Immediate...
the principal roads in Northern Ireland by the Government mid highway authorities is recommended in the Planning Commission's Interim Report on road communications in Ulster.......
Court Pays Tribute To Mr. .1. H. Stirk 'tributes Were
paid to the work of I the late Mr. .1. H. Stirk, former Regional Transport Commissioner, and chairman of the East Midland Traffic Commissioners since 1931, by Lieut.Col. H.......
A Consultant On Road
ENGINEERING COR some time Major R. A. B. Smith, M.C., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.T., has been consulting road engineer of the National Road Transport Federation and its three......