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Concrete Seal Cretacol Is The Name G Iven By Pro G Ress...
Treatments Ltd. to a concrete seal which it is now producin g for the up g radin g of concrete and similar floor surfaces. The coloured sealer transforms concrete, g ranolithic,......
Fire Standards
TheBritish Standards Institution has revised parts covering "Fire of BS 4 two par76 c tests on buildin g materials and structures". Part 5 relates to "I g nitability test for......
Headlamp Unit A New Q Uartz Iodine Headlamp Unit Will Be
seen for the first time at the Commercial Motor Show on the Marchal Distributors' stand No. 294. This unit which replaces the standard 7in. headlamp unit fitted on most vehicles......
Bleed Screw Holdin G A Tube On A Hydraulic Brake Bleed
m spanner to release s nipple and usin g a small always the screw has aays been an awkward and tedious j ob and to overcome this problem J. W. Pickavant has introduced the......
Strain Indicator A Manual Di G Ital Strain Indicator And...
switch-and-balance unit have been announced by Welwyn Electric Ltd. The Bean Model 201 strain indicator is a null-balance instrument that is equipped with a d.c. brid g e-ener......
The Wankel Engine • While The Operatin G Principle Of The
Wankel rotary-piston en g ine is reasonably simple, the mathematics involved in the desi g n of the unit are extremely complex. Any technician with a professional or personal......