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Passenger Transport Areas
5.15 Passenger Transport Areas are designated by the Minister (the Secretary of State in Scotland and Wales). Greater London is entirely excluded; subject to this any area may......
Passenger Transport Authority 5.17 The Members Of The Pta...
of persons appointed by local authorities on a basis determined by the Order plus some (a seventh at most) appointed by the Minister. Subject to the approval of the Minister the......
Passenger Transport Executives 5.22 A Pte Is Empowered To...
passengers itself or through subsidiaries. It may carry passengers by road within (and to and from) its designated area; and has certain other carrying powers. The......
National Bus Company 5.27 The Negotiation Of Working...
the Executives will be greatly facilitated by the fact that, excluding London and municipalities, three-quarters of stage-carriage services (in terms of mileage) are operated by......
Co-ordination In The New Dispensation 5.31 How Will...
closer co-ordination be enhanced in the new sphere? Taking the NBC first, the common ownership of Tilling and BET bus companies inherited from the THC will facilitate the......