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The Wankel Engine • While The Operatin G Principle Of The
Wankel rotary-piston en g ine is reasonably simple, the mathematics involved in the desi g n of the unit are extremely complex. Any technician with a professional or personal......
Steam Cleaner
A steam cleaner having a water consumption of 45 gal /h at 100 p.s.i. and 55 gal ih at 60 p.s.i. comes from the Warwick Pump and Engineering Co. Ltd. Called the Steamatic 1000,......
Road And Workshop
by Handyman Manpower, maintenance and the MoT (1 0) • Besides the preventive maintenance systems I have described for the workshop, there is another form of prevention to be......
Poster Holders
Van top poster holders which do not permit display material to tear or flap have been introduced by Martin Katz Display Ltd. The units fit neatly to the vehicle roof and are......