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Government Divisional Haulage Officers
IVE recently referred to the fact that IN the divisional read haulage officers to be appointed by the M. of W.T.. in connection with its haulage scheme, will corne -- from the......
A.e.c. Dividend
IN respect of the year ended September 30 last, the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.. is to pay a final dividend on ordinary stock - of Is. per 41 unit, free of tax, making la.......
Transport Nationalization On The Way?
D El:ERRING to recent transport 1‘proposals, Mr. Donald Dow, of the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, speaking at a recent co-operative conference in Dundee, said that......
Fined For Obtaining Fuel For Lorry Already Sold A Dmitting A
charge of having defrauded the Ministry of War Transport by inducing a representative of the Ministry to deliver to him eight fuel coupons representing 32 units in respect of a......
Transporting Stock From Farms To Centres
A CCORDING to the National 1 - 1Farmers' Union, a scheme has been prepared to assist farmers who find dif. ficulty in transporting fat stock from their farms to collecting......
A.r.0.-c.m.u.a. Joint Meeting Atbrighton
A JOINT' meeting of the C.M.U.A. t""/ and A.R.O. will be held at the Regent Picture House, Queens Road. Brighton, at 2 p.m. next Tuesday, November-25. The main item on the......
Road Haulage Central Wages Boamyreconstituted
D ECONSTITUTED by the Minister r\of Labour, the Road Haulage Central. Wages Board is getting busy, and the first' meeting of tire Employers' Panel was held on November 12 to......
I.a.e. Awards • W/hen The Council Of The Instituin Don
of Automobile Engineers recently met, ;the following award's in respect of tile 1940-41 session were made:—Crompton Medal to Dr. H. E. Merritt, for a paper entitled "The Scope......
Book On Construction And Use Regulations
TO meet a widespread demand for an 1 up-to-date digest of current legislation, that versatile gentleman, Mr. F. G. Bristow, C.B.E., general secretary of the C.M.U.A., has......
On Multi-purpose Municipal Tankers
B EARING the title " Municipal Tank Wagons for Emptying Gullies and Cesspools," and described as "a review of the Dennis motor appliances incorporating tank bodies for the above......