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Fish Merchants Object To' Higher Haulage Rat-es
S OME concern was expressed at a recent meeting of the executive committee of the Liverpool Fish, Game and Poultry Merchants' Aasociation by a proposal of haulage concerns fo......
Not A Good Augury, Says Association
T 'THIS comment is made in the bulletin of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association on the Government* . road haulage scheme : " There are features about the scheme......
Trading Of Smith's Stamping " Works •
THE net profit of Smith's ' Stamping 1 Works (Coventry), Ltd., for the period from August 3, 1940, to August 2, 1941, after ,making all provisions, was 218,833. A dividend of 10......
Transport Holding Up Coal Supplies
T HE Secretary for Mines, Mr. Grenfell, answering a Parliamentary question from Mr. T. Smith, said, last week, that -the time when coal would have to be rationed was not yet......
Lord Leathers's Views On War Transport
A T the annual luncheon of the Institutetute of Transport, held at the Connaught Rooms, on November 12, the chair was taken by the President, Mr. J. S. Nicholl, C.B.E„ whilst......