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1aulage Contractors:
would like you to record my appreciation of your product " Autol-Desolite". 1 have used one gallon to twelve in our older vehicles for some months now and it ertainly cleans out......
I would like to inform you of my experience with your product AUTOL-DESOLITE, which I have been using. I put 8% in the Paraffin Fuel of my 1942 Fordson Standard Tractor which is......
Agricultural Merchants:
You are no doubt aware of our continuing use of your "Autol-Desolite" Diesel Fuel Additive, and we now feel that after nearly a year's use of this product our confidence in it......
Autol-desolite: What It Is — What It Does.
Autol-Desolite is a fuel supplement for diesel and petrol engines. It was perfected In Switzerland in 1950, after ten years extensive experimenting and research. Autol-Desolite,......