21st September 1962, Page 7
21st September 1962
Page 7

Page 7, 21st September 1962
H.m.w. Appeal Refused
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Transport Tribunal on Wednesday . issued its to.ng-awaited decision on the appeal by H.M.W:. Transport, Ltd., ag.onst refusal of an apPlicatiOn......
Holding Company Appointments
THE chairman of the Transport Hold • 11 ing Company, set up by the 1962 Transport Act, will be Sir Philip Warter. who is at present deputy_ chairman of the Br i tish Transport......
Big Leyland Management Changes Far-reaching Changes In...
of the Leyland Motors Group were announced on Wednesday, following the LeylandA.C.V. merger. They include the retirement of Sir Henry Spurrier from the position of managing......