21st September 1962, Page 89
21st September 1962
Page 89

Page 89, 21st September 1962
Poor Reconditioning A Smoke Cause
NIONG criticisms made by the k Institute of Road Transport Engiers Vehicle Exhaust Study Group in eir second interim report released today e some on the quality of......
British , Cornmercial Exports Are Top B Ritain Has...
as the largest exporter of commercial road vehicles in the world. This was revealed by Mr. L. G. T. Farmer, presi7 dent of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders and......
Standard Van Prices P Rices Of The New Standard...
Model price Twenty van, petrol engine EMS Twenty van: diesel engine .. £775 Twenty pick-up, petrol engine 1:675 Twenty Pick-up, diesel engine £765 (Diesel chassis-cab is £725,......