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'revolutionary' Applications By Eatonways
A l application has been made by Eatonways Luxury Travel Ltd. to the West Midland Traffic Commissioners to provide some revolutionary services which, if approved, could have a......
Ltb Must Have Help
SOME kind of subsidy or financial help must be given to the London Transport Board, said Mr. A. Evershed, the Board's chief financial officer, on Tuesday. He was giving evidence......
Vigorous Opposition To Excursions And Tours Bid
A l excursions and tours bid by Dickson's Luxury Travel, of Stoke Mandeville, was vigorously opposed at Aylesbury last week by Walls Coaches, of Kingsey, and Keith Garages Ltd.,......
Sunderland 3d. Flat Fare Bid
ry•IIE request by Sunderland Corporation .1. to introduce a fiat rate fare of about 3d. on its bus services will come before the Northern Licensing Authority on May 18.......