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Two Rear Lights Sooner Than 1957?
T HE provision of two rear lighti on vehicles may be - made compulsory before the proposed date in 1957. The Minister of Transport told Mr. J. Harrison, M.P., in a letter last......
Scheme To Continue M.t.o.l. After June
T HE contract under which the Meat Transport Organization, Ltd., have operated since the beginning of the war is to end on June 30, or subsequently if the decontrol of meat is......
Tapered Piston Ring Clamp
E ASE of inserting a piston into its cylinder is ensured byl the use of a Lightning taper-lead ring clamp, as produced by Lightning T'ools Department, Elms, Garage, Birmingham,......
Eight-day Tours By - Salopia Qix Eight-day, Tours In...
offered by Salopia Saloon Coaches, Ltd.,'Whitchurch, Shropshire, this year. They are:— Scottish Central Highlands and Royal Deeside -417 17s.); Western Highlands (£17 17s.); .......
Short Tours Fill Need
rx A NEW pattern of holiday, in the form of short tours, has developed among the people of West Kent and East Sussex during the past two years, according to Maidstone and......
Men In The News Mr. J. E. Chadbund Has Joined
Simms Motor Units, Ltd., as works manager. He was formerly assistant general manager of the Rochester works of Elliott Bros. (London), Ltd., and had previously been with English......
Low " Ben " Membership
" O UR membership is at a lament ably low figure, considering the small cost," said Mr. T. Cordery, relief secretary of the London Centre of the Motor and Cycle Trades......
More Butyl Tyre Tubes
R ESTRICTIONS on the use of butyl synthetic rubber have been eased. Hitherto it has been available for making inner tubes only for export or official use. Butyl tubes hold air......