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All Tenders For 65 Units Rejected
A LL tenders for 65 transport units involving some 300 vehicles, in the first list for disposal are to be rejected. . Tenders for 136 units (350 vehicles) will he definitely......
T.r.t.a. Press For Removal Of P.t.
T HE Chancellor of the Exchequer has formally acknowledged the receipt of a resolution from the Traders' Road Transport Association on the subject of purchase tax on......
Lin. Sq. Ft. Trade Fair In Desert "
A RRANGEMENTS have been made by 'British Oyerseas - Fairs, Ltd., to hold a British Trade Fair in Baghdad, Irak, from October 25 - November 8. The site, which is about......
Michelin Tyres Cheaper A S From Wednesday, The Prices Of
Pic Michelin Metallic and X tyres made at the Stoke-on-Trent factory have been reduced by 5 per cent. This concession has been made possible by the stabilization of prices of......
B.t.c. Statement Welcomed
T HE . British Transport Commission's statement on the future of British Road Services (page 690) was welcomed by Mr. H. F. Vian-Smith, secretary of the home affairs and......
Ipswich Spring Depot
O N Monday, F. J. Evans, Ltd., will open a spring-repair and exchange depot at 13a St. Peter's Street, Ipswich, the premises of Small and Parkes, Ltd. A stock of the most......
Volkswagen Prices
P RICES at which Volkswagen commercial vehicles will sell in this country are, with purchase tax: 15-cwt. pick-up, £648 Is. 3d.; 15-cwt. van (doors on one side), £668 Is. 3d.;......
M.p.t.a. Conference Change
B ECAUSE of unforeseen circumstances, the annual conference of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association will be held at Southend-on-Sea, instead of Brighton, from September......
Peak Services Reduced Necalise Of A Shortage Of Conduc
tors, Bradford' Transport DepartMent had had "to withdrawMany buses at peak periods; Mr: C. - T: liumpidge, general' - manager, 7 said On Monday. About 120 conductors were......
Another 7s. For London Busmen
S OME 58,000 members of the operating and maintenance staff of London Transport's road services benefit from a 7s. a week wage increase made retrospective to January I. It will......
Dangers In Too Much Standardization
" T HERE are great advantages in economy and efficiency to be won from standardization and unification . . . but there are grave dangers ,also. The worst of these is timid......
Solution Of Manchester's Congestion Utanchester's Serious...
gestion could not be cured by the city council, but by the Government, Mr. L. J. Marshall, R.A.C. northwestern manager, told a meeting of the Institute of Traffic Administration......
£357m. Expansion Plan
A N expansion programme costing 1357m. was announced on Tuesday by the General Motors Corporation. Its purpose is mainly to increase pro duction capacity. Last year General......
Guy Share Issue Ists For The New Issue By Guy
Motors, Ltd., of 300,000 6 per cent. preference £1 shares and 600,000 ordinary shares of is. each have been closed. They were heavily oversubscribed.......