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Flower Freight Wins Appeal
A HAULIER whose application to rm. the deputy Metrripolitan Licensing Authority was said to have been conducted in an atmosphere of "a French revolutionary tribunal" won his......
'a Or 113' Decision Reserved
T HE question of whether or not an applicant with an almost equal number of A and B vehicles should be allowed to add vehicles to an A or B licence was left unanswered at......
Duplication Sought From Manchester .
A N application was made to vary the conditions on three express carriage services operated jointly by the North Western Road Car Co. Ltd. and the Birmingham and Midland Motor......
Dispensation No B Door To Grant D Ispensation Should...
11.2 used as a back door method for obtaining additional vehicles, said the chairman of the North Western Traffic Commissioners, Maj.-Gen. A. F. J. Elmslie, when he refused an......