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Better Refuse-collectors Needed
THERE was no room for complacency I among local authorities and officials with regard to cleanliness and quietness in the collection and storage of refuse, • said Mr. F. St. L.......
Applying Rome Tr Eaty To Transport
T HE position within the six members of the European Economic Corn=May as. regards the application of the Treaty of Rome rules governing competition and notification of......
E.c.s.c. Transpo Rt Policy Urged T He Supreme Authority...
European Coal and Steel Community has been urged by the transport committee of the European Parliamentary Assembly to work out an overall transport policy concept by the end of......
R.h.a. To Continue London L.d.o.y.?
T HE Metropolitan and South Eastern area of the Road Haulage Association may still organize next year's London (Woolwich) round of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition. The......
Took Lorry On Holiday
A MAN who took a British Road Services vehicle and went touring England, Scotland and WaleSswith it for a month, aPPeared at Notts Quarter Sessions at Newark on Monday. He was......